Proposed expansion of Little Ilford School

The Council has issued a Public Notice to expand Little Ilford School from 10 Forms of Entry (1500 places) to 12 Forms of Entry (1800 places).

The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2007 (as amended) provide that a Local Authority bringing forward statutory proposals to expand a school must consult interested parties, and at the end of the consultation period the Council must consider the views expressed before reaching any final decision on whether to implement the statutory proposals.

The Council is proposing to expand Little Ilford School because current forecasts indicate a rise in Year 7 admission numbers and the Council has a statutory duty to provide sufficient school places for residents.

The Council has undertaken a feasibility study to demonstrate that the site has capacity for additional students. Detailed plans are being drawn up for a new classroom block on the corner of Browning Road and Rectory Road and a new entrance pavilion to the school on Rectory Road.

Consultation has been undertaken with school stakeholders and the school governors have backed the school expansion proposals. 

A Public Notice will be published in the Newham Recorder on Wednesday 29th April 2020. 

If you have any comments on these proposals please email Noman Butt, Resource Database Officer, London Borough of Newham

The closing date for objections and comments is Friday 12th June 2020.

Little Ilford School